Our Society

Here are some of my opinions and links about societal issues:

Some initial concerns:

Extreme violence and profanity in popular culture
Some Rock music and Rap have extremely vulgar, violent, and anti-social content that just can't be ignored if we care about our society, both present and future. Video games, computer games, movies, and television carry the most violent themes imagineable, desensitizing the population -- especially our youth -- to that which is ugly, evil, and wrong. Violence is glorified, celebrated, and quite profitable for the entertainment industry, and the consumers of the garbage that's coming out of Hollywood and the video game industry are just as much to blame as the companies who produce the trash in the first place.
An example of this is "Marilyn Manson." The stage names of many of the members of this band use the names of infamous serial killers (Manson, Gacy, etc.). Here are a few quotes from an interview with the band's leader that I found on a Web page:

"I think there's too many people, and I think the ones that are too stupid to live should die. I think if anyone tries to blame music or film or literature, or if anyone listens to a Marilyn Manson album and decides to kill themselves, then that's what they deserve."
"Morals were created to benefit those who created them, not those who are controlled by them. That what I have to say about morals."
"I don't care about anybody else unless you have something to do with my life, and have some way to help me or I enjoy you."
"If you don't like it, then take the easy way out."

Seen enough? You should see their lyrics!

Here are some anti-violence links:
Firearms are out of control!
Here in the United States, we have an important document that is being woefully misinterpreted--the Constitution! Any intelligent reading of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution clearly leads to the concept that the writers intended to empower the individual states to form armed militias in order to defend themselves, but the firearm fanatics have misread this to mean that individual citizens are entitled to arm themselves. That's just plain incorrect. We need to regulate, register, and restrict firearms worldwide if we want to do anything about the senseless killing that is facilitated by the uncontrolled spread of these weapons of death. The NRA, as represented by Charlton Heston, should back off and go crawl back under the rock from which they came. To re-word their wrong-headed slogan "Guns don't kill people...the bullets from guns kill people!"
Here are some gun-control links:
Anti-government hysteria in the USA
It is becoming increasingly acceptable in the United States of Hysterical Americans to criticize and suspect our government at every turn. The crazy people at Waco were wrong, and deserved a negative outcome from their misguided devotion to a madman! The private militias are dangerous and should be even more closely scrutinzed and controlled. Hate groups need to be infiltrated and exposed for what they are. Our government is not always right, but it is a government of the people, for the people and by the people, and those who spread anti-government rhetoric (followers of Rush Limbaugh, Libertarians, Conservative Republicans, etc.) should NOT have the undue publicity that our misguided news media accords them. ABC, NBC, CBS, et al....we have YOU to thank for the bombing in Oklahoma City!

(more to come, as time permits...)

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