US Presidential Election 2000 Links

Disclaimer: the links on this page represent my own personal opinions and have nothing to do with ChoralNet or any of my employers. They are presented here for you edification and enlightenment. Click on them with an open mind, and you will find much truth in the contents of each site.
No W! Remember the "W" hand sign that "Shrub" (pet name for GWB) flashed during the Presidential Selection 2000?

Here's my version, performed right outside the White House entrance.

Click here for a photo collage of the new "Curious George"

In "honor" of Inaguration Day 2001, I wrote a few words that should be sung to the same tune as "Hail to the Chief":
  Hail to the Thief, he has stolen the election,
Hail to the Thief, he's the son of George the First.
Looks like he'll damage our country very quickly.
Look at his Cabinet; they're some of the worst!
And now, for an honest opinion about the US Supreme Court...

Justice Denied!

Justice Denied!
"The Gang of Five" (aka "The Not Very Impartial Supremes")

Links relating to the November 2000 presidential election in the USA:

Here are some more, just for fun:
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